Accepting new clients at LB Holistic Wellness

Thank you so much for your patience with the full client list. I am now accepting new clients over on my new website,

I am still offering traditional counselling & hypnotherapy along with coaching & support for those with autoimmune disease & chronic illness. All sessions ​are held via telehealth. I am now living in the UK so please let me know if times don’t work for you and I can amend if you are based in Australia. Thanks ​so much again!

Lucy Barker

Counsellor & Hypnotherapist

Dedicated to helping you ​effectively navigate life's ​challenges to be the best possible ​version of YOU. Using a holistic and ​person-centred approach.

Masters level Counselling degree

Coaching & NLP certification

Hypnotherapy certification

Currently studying to be Primal ​Health Coach


Woman in Session with a Psychologist
Woman lying in couch during hypnotherapy
Coaching Work Health and Life Balance Concept


Masters of Counselling - Torrens University

Certified Hypnotherapist - Tad James Company

Grief & Loss Course & Volunteer - Griefline

Anger Management & Addictions - Friendship Centre

About Lucy

Hi there! I'm Lucy, a counsellor and certified hypnotherapist based in Sydney. I place empathy at the heart of my practice to ensure that each client feels heard, understood and empowered to overcome their challenges. I tailor each session to the individual weaving a range of modalities such as CBT, Narrative Therapy, SFBT and Gestalt to get to the root cause and to foster long-lasting change and resilience.

I believe that all limiting beliefs and behaviours have served a purpose for us and together, we will identify these, work through them and replace them with functional solutions.

I have been in your shoes before and understand how daunting seeking help can be, so I am committed to facilitating a safe and calming space. It is my mission to empower you with a toolkit of strategies so that you can harness your resilience and move through challenges in life.


Talking therapy to support you through a range of challenges such as...

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Grief & Loss
  • Trauma
  • PTSD
  • Abuse
  • Anxiety
  • Mental illness
  • Binge-eating

  • Low self-esteem
  • Stress management
  • Domestic violence
  • Drugs and addiction
  • Sexual orientation support
  • Relationship support
  • Workplace support
  • Body image concerns
  • Perfectionism

We will work collaboratively to use the most effective ​modalities for you. However, if you have a specific therapy ​in mind e.g. CBT I am more than happy to work from just ​that model.

Sessions typically last 50 minutes & are held via Zoom.

£65 per session

Woman in Session with a Psychologist
Woman lying in couch during hypnotherapy

Effective for a number of challenges such as:

  • Weight loss
  • Quit Smoking
  • Performance enhancement
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Deep relaxation
  • Bad habits
  • Body image
  • Exam anxiety
  • Perfectionism
  • People pleasing
  • Self-image
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Letting go
  • Phobias
  • Achieving goals
  • Pain control


Hypnosis is a natural, normal state that everyone ​experiences every day, often more than once. For ​example, have you ever driven somewhere and it ​feels as if you blinked and you were there? That's ​hypnosis.

In hypnotherapy, you are guided into a deep state ​of relaxation. This state engages with the part of ​your mind that you cannot typically access ​yourself (subconscious) to target the root of your ​concern. Your subconscious will be guided to ​communicate with your conscious to bring about ​change. This state enables you to free your mind ​of the daily chatter, critical thoughts and ​judgements to welcome suggestions for positive ​changes that evoke positive action. These positive ​changes will be discussed in your initial ​consultation and reviewed throughout so that we ​effectively target them and reach your goals.

I£65 per session 60-90 minutes

Via Telehealth

"I am not what happened to me. I am who I choose to become."

Carl Jung

Contact Me

Lucy Barker

